Java File Renamer

To run place the required library in the same folder as the RenameTo jar.
Renamer Jar -Required Library

This nifty little program let you rename massive amounts of files in bulk using tokens.


Tokens are prefixed with $ and are upper case.
We will be using the following path for our examples: `C:\Users\user\My Pictures\example.jpg`

The name of the file without the extension
$N = example
The name of the file without the extension starting from the nth character. (inclusive) Negative numbers can be used and will start from the end.
$N(0) = example
$N(2) = ample
$N(-4) = ample
The name of the file without the extension starting from the nth character (inclusive) to the mth character (exclusive). Negative numbers can be used.
$N(2,-2) = amp
$N(0,2) = ex
Filename with the extension
$F = example.jpg
The name of the file with the extension starting from the nth character. (inclusive) Negative numbers can be used and will start from the end.
$F(0) = example.jpg
$F(2) = ample.jpg
$F(-4) = le.jpg
The name of the file with the extension starting from the nth character (inclusive) to the mth character (exclusive). Negative numbers can be used.
$N(2,-2) = amp.j
$N(0,2) = ex
The file extension with the leading dot.
$E = .jpg
The directory path without the ending slash.
$D = C:\Users\user\My Pictures
The nth directory starting from the leaf.
$D(1) = My Pictures
$D(2) = user
Directory path with the trailing slash.
$M (shorthand for $M(1))
Moves the file up one directory.
$M = C:\Users\user\
Moves the file up n directories.
$M(2) = C:\Users
$M(3) = C:\
Inserts a 0 (zero) padded number that increments with each rename. The number of 0's is determined by the number of #'s.

Special Tokens

These tokens start with an & and apply a transformation to the directory and/or file. They must be before the rest. You can only use one file transformation and one directory transformation at a time.

Directory Upper Case First. Applies A Title Case To The Path.
Directory Lower Case. transforms the path to lower case.
File Upper Case First. Applies A Title Case To The File.
File Lower Case. transforms the file to lower case.


package util.files; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDragEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import simple.gui.AboutWindow; import simple.gui.SDialog; import simple.gui.SwingWorkerProgressWindow; import simple.gui.component.SMenuBar; import simple.gui.factory.SJOptionPane; import simple.gui.factory.SJPanel; import simple.gui.factory.SwingFactory; import; import; import; import simple.util.FileLoader; import simple.util.Utils; import simple.util.do_str; /** * Rename Tokens: * <dl> * <dt>$N</dt> * <dd>File name without extension</dd> * <dt>$N(n)</dt> * <dd>Characters starting from n of the file name without extension. (inclusive) * You can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename. * E.g. 'hello.txt' with $N(-3) will give 'llo'.</dd> * <dt>$N(n,m)</dt> * <dd>Characters n to m of the file name without extension. (inclusive, exclusive) * You can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename. * E.g. 'hello.txt' with $N(-2,-1) will give 'l'.</dd> * <dt>$F</dt> * <dd>File name with extension.</dd> * <dt>$F(n,m)</dt> * <dd>Characters n to m of the file name with extension. (inclusive, exclusive) * You can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename. * E.g. 'hello.txt' with $F(-2,-1) will give 'x'.</dd> * <dt>$F(n)</dt> * <dd>Characters starting from n of the file name with extension. (inclusive) * You can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename. * E.g. 'hello.txt' with $F(-3) will give 'txt'.</dd> * <dt>$E</dt> * <dd>Extension of file with '.' * E.g. 'hello.txt.log' with $E will give '.log'</dd> * <dt>$D</dt> * <dd>Path without the ending '\'</dd> * <dt>$D(n)</dt> * <dd>Part n of the directory name from the lowest level. * E.g. $D(1) of "C:\program files\games\doom.exe" = "games"</dd> * <dt>$M</dt> * <dd>Moves the file up one directory. Equivalent to $M(1).</dd> * <dt>$M(n)</dt> * <dd>Moves the file up the directory tree n times.</dd> * <dt>$#</dt> * <dd>Number starting from 0. Additional '#' can be added to pad with '0's. * (e.g. $## would result in a scheme like 00, 01, 02, etc.)</dd> * <dt>$P</dt> * <dd>The path with out the drive letter.</dd> * </dl> * Created: 2008 * @author Kenneth Pierce * */ public final class RenameTo implements ActionListener, DropTargetListener { final DefaultListModel<RenameFormat> gfileListMod = new DefaultListModel<RenameFormat>(); final JList<RenameFormat> gfileListDis = new JList<RenameFormat>(gfileListMod); final JTextField gtfSyntax = new JTextField(); final JProgressBar previewProgress=new JProgressBar(); final JFrame gPreviewFrame; final JTextArea gPreviewText = new JTextArea(); final JTextField gtfRep1 = new JTextField(); final JTextField gtfRep2 = new JTextField(); //final JComboBox gReplaceCombo = new JComboBox(); final JFrame gParentFrame = SwingFactory.makeDefaultJFrame("Rename Utility"); final JCheckBoxMenuItem gRecursiveAddCheck = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Add Subdirectories"); final JCheckBoxMenuItem gUndoFileCheck = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Make Undo File"); final JCheckBoxMenuItem gResolveUrlCharsCheck = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Resolve URL Characters"); final JCheckBoxMenuItem gUriFriendlyFile = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("URI Friendly File Name"); final JCheckBoxMenuItem gUriFriendlyDir = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("URI Friendly Dir Name"); final AboutWindow gHelpWin; final SwingWorkerProgressWindow gFileLoaderWin = new SwingWorkerProgressWindow(gParentFrame, "Adding Files"); File gLogFile; private int giStart = 0; private final Timer TIMER = new Timer(); private final SDialog gFilterWin = new SDialog(gParentFrame, "Select files", true); final JTextField gFilterInput = new JTextField(); private final Runnable doRename= new Runnable(){ final StringBuffer output=new StringBuffer(); final TimerTask update=new TimerTask(){ @Override public void run(){ String app=output.toString(); output.delete(0,output.length()); gPreviewText.append(app); previewProgress.setValue(progress); } }; private int progress=0; @Override public void run(){ TIMER.scheduleAtFixedRate(update,0,700); BufferedOutputStream out = null; if (gUndoFileCheck.isSelected()) { gLogFile = new File(Utils.getTimeDate()+".undo"); try { out = StreamFactory.getBufferedOutputStream(gLogFile); gPreviewText.append("Undo file created.\n"); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { gPreviewText.append("Error making undo file.\n"+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } RenameFormat rfTmp = null; int err = 0; RenameFormat.setNumber(giStart); previewProgress.setValue(0); previewProgress.setMaximum(gfileListMod.size()); for(progress=0;progress<gfileListMod.size();progress++) { rfTmp = gfileListMod.get(progress); rfTmp.setFormat(gtfSyntax.getText()); if (rfTmp.rename()>0) { err++; } output.append("Source:\t"+rfTmp.toString()+"\n"+ rfTmp.getError()+":\t"+rfTmp.toStringTarget()+"\n"); if (gUndoFileCheck.isSelected() && out != null) { try { out.write(rfTmp.saveState().getBytes()); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (out!=null) FileUtil.close(out); update.cancel();; gPreviewText.append(err+" errors.\nDone."); previewProgress.setValue(previewProgress.getMaximum()); } }, doUndo=new Runnable(){ final StringBuffer output=new StringBuffer(); final TimerTask update=new TimerTask(){ @Override public void run(){ String app=output.toString(); output.delete(0,output.length()); gPreviewText.append(app); previewProgress.setValue(progress); } }; private int progress=0; @Override public void run(){ TIMER.scheduleAtFixedRate(update,0,700); RenameFormat rfTmp = null; int err = 0; for (progress =0;progress<gfileListMod.size();progress++) { rfTmp = gfileListMod.get(progress); if (rfTmp.undo()>0) { err++; } output.append("Source:\t"+rfTmp.toStringTarget()+"\n"+ rfTmp.getError()+":\t"+rfTmp.toStringTarget()+"\n"); } update.cancel();; gPreviewText.append(err+" errors.\nDone."); previewProgress.setValue(previewProgress.getMaximum()); } }, doPreview=new Runnable(){ final StringBuffer output=new StringBuffer(); final TimerTask update=new TimerTask(){ @Override public void run(){ String app=output.toString(); output.delete(0,output.length()); gPreviewText.append(app); previewProgress.setValue(progress); } }; private int progress=0; @Override public void run(){ TIMER.scheduleAtFixedRate(update,0,700); RenameFormat rfTmp = null; int err = 0; RenameFormat.setNumber(giStart); for (progress =0;progress<gfileListMod.size();progress++) { rfTmp = gfileListMod.get(progress); rfTmp.setFormat(gtfSyntax.getText()); if (rfTmp.mockRename()>0){ err++; } output.append("Source:\t"+rfTmp.toStringTarget()+"\n"+ rfTmp.getError()+":\t"+rfTmp.toStringTarget()+"\n"); } update.cancel();; gPreviewText.append(err+" errors.\nDone."); previewProgress.setValue(previewProgress.getMaximum()); } }; public RenameTo() { final DropTarget listDT = new DropTarget(gfileListDis, this); gfileListDis.setDropTarget(listDT); gtfSyntax.setText("$D\\$N$E");//default format, does nothing //begin menu bar final SMenuBar mBar = new SMenuBar(SMenuBar.HELP_HELP+SMenuBar.FILE+SMenuBar.FILE_QUIT+SMenuBar.OPTION); gHelpWin = new AboutWindow(gParentFrame, "Help", true); RenameTo.createHelp(gHelpWin); gHelpWin.setSize(12*50, 200); mBar.addActionListener(SMenuBar.HELP_HELP,new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {; gHelpWin.setVisible(true); } }); /* ** OPTION MENU ** */ JMenuItem mTmp = new JMenuItem("Numbering"); mTmp.setActionCommand("setN"); mTmp.addActionListener(this); mBar.addToOptionMenu(mTmp); mTmp = new JMenuItem("Replacements"); mTmp.setActionCommand("addR"); mTmp.addActionListener(this); mBar.addToOptionMenu(mTmp); mBar.addToOptionMenu(gRecursiveAddCheck); mBar.addToOptionMenu(gResolveUrlCharsCheck); mBar.addToOptionMenu(gUriFriendlyFile); mBar.addToOptionMenu(gUriFriendlyDir); gResolveUrlCharsCheck.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e){ RenameFormat.fRESOLVEURLESCAPED=gResolveUrlCharsCheck.isSelected(); } }); mBar.addToOptionMenu(gUndoFileCheck); mBar.addSeparator(SMenuBar.OPTION); mTmp = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Always on top"); mTmp.setActionCommand("aot"); mTmp.addActionListener(this); mBar.addToOptionMenu(mTmp); gParentFrame.setJMenuBar(mBar); //end menu bar JPanel main = null; JPanel bottom = null; main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.setOpaque(true); bottom = SJPanel.makeBoxLayoutPanelX(); //create and add buttons bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Rename", "rn", this)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Preview", "pr", this)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Add Files", "af", this)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Add Dir", "ad", this)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Clear List", "cl", this)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Undo Rename", "un", this)); /* **** HANDLES SHIFTING THE ITEMS AROUND **** */ final ActionListener moveListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent ae) { boolean update = true; if (gfileListDis.getSelectedIndex() == -1) return; final int[] indices = gfileListDis.getSelectedIndices(); RenameFormat tmp; final String cmd = ae.getActionCommand(); if ("u".equals(cmd)) { //move up one if (indices[0] == 0) return; tmp = gfileListMod.get(indices[0]-1); for (int i = 0; i<indices.length; i++) { gfileListMod.set(indices[i]-1, gfileListMod.get(indices[i])); indices[i]--; } gfileListMod.set(indices[indices.length-1]+1, tmp); } else if ("d".equals(cmd)) { //move down one final int insertIndex = indices[indices.length-1]+1; if (insertIndex == gfileListMod.size()) return; tmp = gfileListMod.get(insertIndex); for (int index = insertIndex; index > indices[0]; index--) { gfileListMod.set(index, gfileListMod.get(index-1)); } gfileListMod.set(indices[0], tmp); for (int i = 0; i<indices.length; i++) { indices[i]++; } } else if ("t".equals(cmd)) { //move to top if (indices[0] == 0) return; final RenameFormat[] top = new RenameFormat[indices[0]]; for (int i = 0; i < top.length; i++) top[i] = gfileListMod.get(i); for (int i = 0; i<indices.length; i++) { gfileListMod.set(i, gfileListMod.get(indices[i])); indices[i] = i; } final int offset = indices.length; for (int i = 0; i<top.length; i++) gfileListMod.set(i+offset, top[i]); } else if ("b".equals(cmd)) { //move to bottom if (indices[indices.length-1] == gfileListMod.size()-1) return; final RenameFormat[] bottom = new RenameFormat[gfileListMod.size()-indices[indices.length-1]-1]; int offset = indices[indices.length-1]+1; for (int i = 0; i < bottom.length; i++) bottom[i] = gfileListMod.get(i+offset); offset = gfileListMod.size()-indices.length; for (int i = 0; i<indices.length; i++) { gfileListMod.set(i+offset, gfileListMod.get(indices[i])); indices[i] = i+offset; } offset = offset-bottom.length; for (int i = 0; i<bottom.length; i++) gfileListMod.set(i+offset, bottom[i]); } else if ("r".equals(cmd)) { //remove int offset=0; for(int i:indices){ gfileListMod.remove(i-offset); offset++; } update = false; } if (update) { //update selection to match new positions gfileListDis.setSelectedIndices(indices); gfileListDis.scrollRectToVisible(gfileListDis.getCellBounds(indices[0], indices[indices.length-1])); } }}; /* * Right side(moving items in list) */ final JPanel right = SJPanel.makeBoxLayoutPanelY(); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("top", "t", moveListener)); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("up", "u", moveListener)); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("down", "d", moveListener)); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("bottom", "b", moveListener)); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("remove","r", moveListener)); right.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("filter","filter", this)); //add it all to the main panel and the frame main.add(SJPanel.makeLabeledPanel(gtfSyntax, "Syntax"),BorderLayout.NORTH); main.add(right, BorderLayout.EAST); main.add(new JScrollPane(gfileListDis)); main.add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); gParentFrame.setContentPane(main); /* * Create Rename Preview Window */ gPreviewFrame = SwingFactory.makeDefaultJFrame("Preview Rename"); gPreviewFrame.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { gPreviewText.setText(""); System.gc(); } @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {} }); gPreviewFrame.setSize(gParentFrame.getWidth(),300); gPreviewText.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 12)); main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.add(new JScrollPane(gPreviewText)); bottom = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); bottom.add(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Close","cp",new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) { gPreviewFrame.setVisible(false); gPreviewText.setText(""); } })); main.add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); main.add(previewProgress,BorderLayout.NORTH); gPreviewFrame.add(main); //End Rename Preview Creation /* * File list filter(selects files matching or not matching the filter) */ final ActionListener filter_listener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent ae) { final String ac = SwingFactory.getActionCommand(ae); final Vector<Integer> indecies = new Vector<Integer>(); if ("s".equals(ac)) { //select matching for (int i=0;i <gfileListMod.size(); i++) { if (gfileListMod.get(i).toString().contains(gFilterInput.getText())) indecies.add(i); } } else if ("si".equals(ac)){ //select not matching for (int i=0;i <gfileListMod.size(); i++) { if (!gfileListMod.get(i).toString().contains(gFilterInput.getText())) indecies.add(i); } } else { //hide window gFilterWin.setVisible(false); return; } final int inde[] = new int[indecies.size()]; for(int i=0; i<indecies.size(); i++) { inde[i] = indecies.get(i); } gfileListDis.setSelectedIndices(inde); } };//file list filter //build filter window gFilterWin.addCenter(gFilterInput); gFilterWin.addBottom(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Select", "s", filter_listener)); gFilterWin.addBottom(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Select Inverse", "si", filter_listener)); gFilterWin.addBottom(SwingFactory.makeJButton("Cancel", "c", filter_listener)); gFilterWin.pack(); //Pack it up and show it off gParentFrame.setSize(400,100); gParentFrame.pack(); gPreviewFrame.setSize(gParentFrame.getWidth(), gPreviewFrame.getHeight()); gParentFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); gParentFrame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(final String[] args) { //RenameTo y = new RenameTo(); //RenameFormat x = RenameFormat(new File("C:\\test1\\test2\\test.txt")); //System.out.println(x.getDir("C:\\test\\test1\\test2.txt", 1)); new RenameTo(); } @Override public void actionPerformed (final ActionEvent ae) { RenameFormat.fURISAFEF=gUriFriendlyFile.isSelected(); RenameFormat.fURISAFED=gUriFriendlyDir.isSelected(); final String ac = SwingFactory.getActionCommand(ae); if (ac.equals("af")){ //add files final File[] x = SwingFactory.getFileNames(null); if (x==null || x.length==0) return; final FileLoader floader = new FileLoader(x, gRecursiveAddCheck.isSelected()); gFileLoaderWin.setWorker(floader);; gFileLoaderWin.setVisible(true); floader.execute(); try { addFiles(floader.get()); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (ac.equals("ad")) { //add directories final File x[] = SwingFactory.getDirNames(null); if (x==null || x.length==0) return; final FileLoader floader = new FileLoader(x, gRecursiveAddCheck.isSelected()); gFileLoaderWin.setWorker(floader);; gFileLoaderWin.setVisible(true); floader.execute(); try { addFiles(floader.get()); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }else if (ac.equals("rn")) { //Rename gPreviewFrame.setVisible(true); gPreviewFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); Thread rename=new Thread(doRename); rename.start(); }else if (ac.equals("cl")) { //Clear list gfileListMod.clear(); }else if (ac.equals("un")) { //Undo Renaming gPreviewFrame.setVisible(true); gPreviewFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); Thread undo=new Thread(doUndo); undo.start(); }else if(ac.equals("pr")){ //Preview renaming gPreviewFrame.setVisible(true); gPreviewFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); Thread preview=new Thread(doPreview); preview.start(); }else if (ac.equals("setN")){ //set the start number for numbered renaming final String tmp = SJOptionPane.prompt("Number file numbering will start at:", String.valueOf(giStart)); if(!do_str.isNaN(tmp)){ giStart = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } }else if (ac.equals("aot")){ //toggle always on top for main and child windows gParentFrame.setAlwaysOnTop(((JCheckBoxMenuItem)ae.getSource()).getState()); gHelpWin.setAlwaysOnTop(((JCheckBoxMenuItem)ae.getSource()).getState()); gFileLoaderWin.setAlwaysOnTop(((JCheckBoxMenuItem)ae.getSource()).getState()); gPreviewFrame.setAlwaysOnTop(((JCheckBoxMenuItem)ae.getSource()).getState()); } else if (ac.equals("filter")) { //show file filter window new Thread(new Runnable () { @Override public void run() {; gFilterWin.setVisible(true); } }).start(); } //System.out.println(do_gui.getFileName(null)); } /** * TODO: This needs a rewrite * @param flist */ private void addFiles(final java.util.List<File> flist) { //attempts to add files to the list using the SwingWorker method //far from perfect final SwingWorker<Object, File> fadder = new SwingWorker<Object, File>() { int fcount = 0; @Override protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception { try { for (final File file : flist) { if (isCancelled()) {break;} fcount++; gfileListMod.addElement(new RenameFormat(file, gtfSyntax.getText())); setProgress((fcount*100)/flist.size()); } }catch (final Exception e) { } setProgress(100); return null; } }; gFileLoaderWin.setWorker(fadder); fadder.execute(); gFileLoaderWin.setVisible(true); } @Override public void dragEnter(final DropTargetDragEvent arg0) {} @Override public void dragExit(final DropTargetEvent arg0) {} @Override public void dragOver(final DropTargetDragEvent arg0) {} @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void drop(final DropTargetDropEvent dtde) { final DataFlavor[] DFL = dtde.getCurrentDataFlavors(); Transferable dl = null; for (final DataFlavor df : DFL) { if (df.equals(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) { dl = dtde.getTransferable(); } } if (dl == null) { dtde.rejectDrop(); return; } dtde.acceptDrop(DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK); java.util.List<File> fl = null; try { fl = (java.util.List<File>) dl.getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } final FileLoader floader = new FileLoader(fl, gRecursiveAddCheck.isSelected()); gFileLoaderWin.setWorker(floader);; gFileLoaderWin.setVisible(true); floader.execute(); try { addFiles(floader.get()); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dtde.dropComplete(true); } @Override public void dropActionChanged(final DropTargetDragEvent arg0) {} protected static void createHelp(final AboutWindow help) { help.appendLineBold("$N"); help.appendLine("\tFile name without extention"); help.appendLineBold("$N(n)"); help.appendLine("\tCharacters starting from n of the file name without extention. (inclusive)"); help.appendLine("\tYou can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename."); help.appendLine("\tE.g. 'hello.txt' with $N(-3) will give 'llo'."); help.appendLineBold("$N(n,m)"); help.appendLine("\tCharacters n to m of the file name without extention. (inclusive, exclusive)"); help.appendLine("\tYou can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename."); help.appendLine("\tE.g. 'hello.txt' with $N(-2,-1) will give 'l'."); help.appendLineBold("$F"); help.appendLine("\tFile name with extention."); help.appendLineBold("$F(n,m)"); help.appendLine("\tCharacters n to m of the file name with extention. (inclusive, exclusive)"); help.appendLine("\tYou can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename."); help.appendLine("\tE.g. 'hello.txt' with $F(-2,-1) will give 'x'."); help.appendLineBold("$F(n)"); help.appendLine("\tCharacters starting from n of the file name with extention. (inclusive)"); help.appendLine("\tYou can use negative numbers to start from the end of the filename."); help.appendLine("\tE.g. 'hello.txt' with $F(-3) will give 'txt'."); help.appendLineBold("$E"); help.appendLine("\tExtention of file with '.'"); help.appendLine("\tE.g. 'hello.txt.log' with $E will give '.log'"); help.appendLineBold("$D"); help.appendLine("\tPath without the ending '\\'"); help.appendLineBold("$D(n)"); help.appendLine("\tPart n of the directory name from the lowest level."); help.appendLine("\tE.g. $D(1) of \"C:\\program files\\games\\doom.exe\" = \"games\""); help.appendLineBold("$M"); help.appendLine("\tMoves the file up one directory. Equivalent to $M(1)."); help.appendLineBold("$M(n)"); help.appendLine("\tMoves the file up the directory tree n times."); help.appendLineBold("$#"); help.appendLine("\tNumber starting from 0. Additional '#' can be added to pad with '0's."); help.appendLine("\t(e.g. $## would result in a scheme like 00, 01, 02, etc.)"); help.appendLineBold("$P"); help.appendLine("\tThe path with out the drive letter."); help.appendLine("\nAny other character is treated as a literal."); help.appendLine("The add sub-directories option in the file menu only applies when adding directories."); } }